Its 1:30am and like always, I am wide awake. I have lots on my mind and cant sleep. Its strange how it is so hard to relax at night when I have time but in the afternoons I could nap for hours. Today is 13 days and counting since the last time I heard from my love. But a lot of other wonderful ladies in his battalion for phonecalls today so I am hoping mine is on its way soon! Today was a long day. I had my very last class ever. Now I am just 4 finals away from graduation. Then I went to AC Moore to get some stuff to work on Justins newest care package its theme is Bruins quest for the cup 2010. I didnt find much I liked there so I went o Michaels and found some cute stuff. The package is almost ready and I am so excited about it. I know Justin is going to love it. He is a huge hockey fan and played hockey all his life. Back when he was a senior in high school I would wake up at 4am to go to his hockey practice before school. And boy do I miss those days. They were so carefree and fun, we spent everyday together, always going on new adventures. I cant wait to have that back. So here are some pics from the new care package. I had lots of pictures to put in so there wont be so much blank space.
Tomorrow I just have to head to the store and buy everything to fill it and ship it out first thing thursday morning. I should have already had the pictures for the package but I dont due to a dumb mistake on my part. Today I was in a rush before leaving for work and I emailed my pictures to cvs to be printed. I selected the wrong store to pick them up at. So when I got out of work til 10 I drove to the 24 hour cvs only to find out that I sent them to the wrong store, so take 2 will be tomorrow. I have been looking online for a lot of creative food ideas to send. So if anyone has any suggestions I would love it. I know the regular chips, candy, granola bars, etc but I want to think of new things that are like actual food. I have a busy day planned tomorrow and I am really excited that its april 28th. We are almost through another month on the calendar. I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful day and finishes April on a good note. Goodnight Everyone!
What a happy read!! You are so positive! I like that! The CVS thing totally sounds like something I would do... haha. Have a wonderful day!!! Yay for May coming soon :) :) :)